In this super-sized episode, Stefan and Tom dissect the potential issues of Prusa’s new model and gcode sharing site and talk about the ever-newsworthy topics of 3D printed glass, organs and “large” metal drone frames. Projects this week include the modular Mendel9000, advanced heated bed investigations and wearing down nozzles on purpose.
And the big topic: Can you trust YouTubers to give their honest opinion? We show how companies try to influence what influencers tell you about products and what our stance is on neutrality.
Drop your questions for upcoming episodes in the comments on YouTube or tweet them @TheMeltzone.
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Thomas Sanladerer
Stefan (CNC Kitchen)
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Intro Jingle by Thomas Herrmann
Prusa’s new website
3D printed glass
3D printed “UAV”/Quadcopter/Drone
3D printed heart
Matterhackers coated beds
iFixit pressured by Samsung [DE]
Tom’s sponsorship terms